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  • <!-- HTML -->
    <div class="card shadow-xs border mb-3">
      <div class="card-body p-3 mt-7">
        <div class="chart mt-n6">
          <canvas id="chart-line" class="chart-canvas" height="300px"></canvas>
    // Javascript
    <script src="assets/js/plugins/chartjs.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    var ctx = document.getElementById("chart-line").getContext("2d");
    const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 230, 0, 50);
    gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(27,70,194, 0.4)');
    gradient.addColorStop(0.2, 'rgba(72, 72, 176, 0.0)');
    gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(155, 119, 255, 0)');
    new Chart(ctx, {
      type: "line",
      data: {
        labels: [
          'Sep 21',
          'Sep 22',
          'Sep 23',
          'Sep 24',
          'Sep 25',
          'Sep 25',
          'Sep 27',
        datasets: [
            label: 'Volume',
            data: ['46.17', '47.73', '47.79', '48.02', '46.38', '46.74', '48.12'],
            fill: 'start',
            backgroundColor: gradient,
            borderColor: '#1b46c2',
            borderWidth: 2,
            pointRadius: 3,
            pointBorderColor: '#1b46c2',
            pointBackgroundColor: '#1b46c2',
            tension: 0.3,
      options: {
        maintainAspectRatio: false,
        responsive: true,
        plugins: {
          // show legends for our graph
          legend: {
            display: false,
            position: 'top',
            align: 'end',
            labels: {
              boxWidth: 7,
              boxHeight: 7,
              pointStyle: 'circle',
              usePointStyle: true,
              color: '#59647e',
              font: {
                weight: '500',
          tooltip: {
            boxPadding: 4,
            boxWidth: 8,
            boxHeight: 8,
            usePointStyle: true,
            backgroundColor: 'white',
            bodyColor: '#59647e',
            titleColor: '#59647e',
            padding: 12,
            borderColor: 'rgba(89, 100, 126, .2)',
            borderWidth: 1,
            bodyFont: {
              weight: '500',
        //   show the x and y scales
        scales: {
          x: {
            grid: {
              drawBorder: false,
              display: false,
            ticks: {
              display: true,
              color: '#59647e',
              font: {
                size: 12,
                family: 'Montserrat ,sans-serif',
          y: {
            display: true,
            grid: {
              borderDash: [5, 5],
              drawBorder: false,
              display: true,
              color: 'rgba(89, 100, 126, .1)',
            ticks: {
              stepSize: 1,
              display: true,
              callback: (value) => {
                return value;
              color: '#59647e',
              font: {
                size: 12,
                family: 'Montserrat ,sans-serif',
        // show tooltip on hover near the points
        interaction: {
          intersect: false,
          mode: 'index',
        //   animate in
        animation: {
          duration: 1,
  • import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2';
    import {
      Chart as ChartJS,
    } from 'chart.js';
    const ElrondChart = () => {
      const optionsLine: ChartOptions = {
        maintainAspectRatio: false,
        responsive: true,
        plugins: {
          // show legends for our graph
          legend: {
            display: false,
            position: 'top',
            align: 'end',
            labels: {
              boxWidth: 7,
              boxHeight: 7,
              pointStyle: 'circle',
              usePointStyle: true,
              color: '#59647e',
              font: {
                weight: '500',
          tooltip: {
            boxPadding: 4,
            boxWidth: 8,
            boxHeight: 8,
            usePointStyle: true,
            backgroundColor: 'white',
            bodyColor: '#59647e',
            titleColor: '#59647e',
            padding: 12,
            borderColor: 'rgba(89, 100, 126, .2)',
            borderWidth: 1,
            bodyFont: {
              weight: '500',
        //   show the x and y scales
        scales: {
          x: {
            grid: {
              drawBorder: false,
              display: false,
            ticks: {
              display: true,
              color: '#59647e',
              font: {
                size: 12,
                family: 'Montserrat ,sans-serif',
          y: {
            display: true,
            grid: {
              borderDash: [5, 5],
              drawBorder: false,
              display: true,
              color: 'rgba(89, 100, 126, .1)',
            ticks: {
              stepSize: 1,
              display: true,
              callback: (value) => {
                return value;
              color: '#59647e',
              font: {
                size: 12,
                family: 'Montserrat ,sans-serif',
        // show tooltip on hover near the points
        interaction: {
          intersect: false,
          mode: 'index',
        //   animate in
        animation: {
          duration: 1,
      const data = () => {
        return {
          labels: [
            'Sep 21',
            'Sep 22',
            'Sep 23',
            'Sep 24',
            'Sep 25',
            'Sep 25',
            'Sep 27',
          datasets: [
              label: 'Volume',
              data: ['46.17', '47.73', '47.79', '48.02', '46.38', '46.74', '48.12'],
              fill: 'start',
              backgroundColor: (context: ScriptableContext<'line'>) => {
                const ctx = context.chart.ctx;
                const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 230, 0, 50);
                gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(27,70,194, 0.4)');
                gradient.addColorStop(0.2, 'rgba(72, 72, 176, 0.0)');
                gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(155, 119, 255, 0)');
                return gradient;
              borderColor: '#1b46c2',
              borderWidth: 2,
              pointRadius: 3,
              pointBorderColor: '#1b46c2',
              pointBackgroundColor: '#1b46c2',
              tension: 0.3,
      return (
          <div className="card-body p-3 mt-7">
            <div className="chart mt-n6" style=>
              <Line data={data()} options={optionsLine} />